I'm an artist who finds as much joy roaming through a junk car lot as I do a picturesque landscape.

Digital Art

Mashups are digital artworks that combine multiple images together using layer blending features in photo editing software. Stylistically, they're about exploring boundaries between painting and photography, realism and abstraction, and finding beauty in decay.

From the series Portals. See more in the Mashup galleries.


Interest in single-image photography dates back to my college years, manually developing film in a darkroom using smelly chemicals. With modern tools, I now look forward to post-processing images in a digital darkroom. In regards to landscape photography in particular, I enjoy connecting with nature across ever-changing lighting and weather conditions.

Taken in Urbana IL, January 2025. See more in the Landscape galleries.

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“The painting is always the boss. I go where it says to go; it is endless. That's the beauty of painting. That is its freedom.”

    - Jake Berthot